Back story:
I've been working at a Once Upon a Child since October of 2010. I've been completely content with my crappy pay because I enjoy my co-workers and the job in general. It is also a fantastic place to introduce lots of new mamas to various "crunchy" parenting techniques like babywearing! I also work very part time at a doctor's office as a medical assistant. Everything was rainbows and sunshine until last week when I was told by OUAC that I had to have completely open availability or I had to quit. Half of the staff decided to quit actually.
Well, I quit. I have just one more week to go at OUAC. The issue became that I wasn't making enough money at the doctor's office just working one day a week, so I've been really down in the dumps. I make enough to pay for my car payment and then the extra is my spending money as well as money for little Ham's clothes and toys. Without the OUAC income, I would just barely be able to cover my car payment.
Flash to today...I was told that one of my co-workers at the doctor's office is quitting, which is sad because I adore her, and I will be able to pick up more hours! I will have more than enough money to cover the car payment because I am making much more an hour. I am so happy. It is also great experience for my hopeful future career as a physician office manager. All things do work out in the end. :) Now, I'm off to do my economics home work.