Tuesday, March 27, 2012


    I am not a patient person. It's just a fact. I can't seem to change that no matter how hard I try. I am, however, a lot more patient than my 1.5 year old. We are currently waiting the obligatory two weeks before I pee on a stick. I remember how upsetting this process was the first time around and am hoping it goes more smoothly this time. Ham was conceived after lots of trying, and I was convinced that I could not possibly be pregnant when I took the test. I was so convinced that I actually threw it away before even reading the results and went back to bed. I remember digging it out of the bathroom trash and panicking because I didn't have any more tests left and wasn't sure if I could trust the positive since it had been sitting in the trash a few hours. This was before I had a car of my own, so I had to wait all day to drive over to Walgreens and buy not one, not two, but six pregnancy tests (gotta be sure) to take at home. All of them came up positive and so started my life as a mama.

    Now that I've been-there-done-that, I am trying to be a bit more calm about the whole thing. I tracked my cycle and timed everything right. I just had to sit back and relax, but honestly all I can think about is the possible baby. I have even bought a few, super cheap, baby items that I could not pass up. Hubby seems to be playing along nicely despite my erratic moods lately (a mix of hormones and weaning off my meds), and I hope that I can maintain my faux calm until I can at least test. I should find out one way or the other by Easter. Until then, I must learn to be patient.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Busy Day!

Ham and I had a super busy day today. We had a fantastic play date with his friends L and S (identical twin girls about his age) at their farm house. I can't wait to come when the weather is nicer and see all the baby animals! After that we had some lunch at Qdoba and then a haircut. We topped it off with a quick visit to his favorite park, and now he's napping it all off. You know he's tired when he runs inside, grabs his blankie, and falls to the floor. Tonight we're having a going away dinner for my husband's best friend who's visiting from Hawaii and then watching the Office! What a perfect day. I might even hit up the grocery store when he wakes up. Did I mention how much I love being a SAHM?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Life got in the way of writing as it seems to do quite often. Nuff' said.

Lots of changes are afoot in our family. Ham has been diagnosed with developmental delays and is just beginning therapy to work on them. He has delays in speech, communication, and social behavior. A speech therapist will be working with him weekly. We are also having an occupational therapist evaluate him for sensory and behavioral issues. It is a lot to take in, and I am still dealing with it. Everyone thinks their child is perfect and it's not easy to hear that there is something wrong. I love Ham with all my heart and I am convinced he will do great things. He just needs a little more help than some other kids.

We're moving! Our little family is moving across town to a nice little town home. It is more like a row house by design, tall and skinny but the neighborhood is considerably better then ours. We finally get our own washer and dryer and stairs! I've never lived in a house with stairs, so I am really excited about them. One more thing to decorate! We'll be moving at the end of April.

Last but not least, we've decided to start trying for baby number two! It's still pretty hush hush, but I am beyond excited. I hope that things come easier this time around. I am so ready to be pregnant again and to add to our family. I am already planning for my VBAC. Wish me luck! I know it's going to be a long road ahead.