Our Year in Review:
January: Ham lived through his very first Indiana blizzard. He started solid foods and cut his very first tooth!
My snowbaby!
February: Ham learned how to sit up and began rolling around the floor. Ham cut his second tooth. My life was pretty uneventful.
Ham posing for his first photo shoot which he did not enjoy.
March: I started my job at the doctor's office and left the thrift shop. I began really dealing with my anxiety issues, and it was a trying time. This was a low month for me. Ham became an expert sitter.
My steady little man.
April: April is when things finally started getting better for me. I started going to my therapist and went on medication. Ham started crawling! Ham got his first haircut! Most exciting of all, Ham started crawling and pulling up to stand!
What is this lady doing to my hair?
May: The hubs and I started eating healthier and my depression was getting better. We started cooking more at home from scratch. Ham began cruising and eating crunchy foods.
Ham and I
June: June was the real start of our summer. Ham went to the beach for the first time and we started going to parks daily. We also started regularly attending play groups and I finally met some mom friends. Ham could stand all by himself and walk with his push walker.
Ham's first time at the beach
July: After 24 years, I was finally formally diagnosed with ADHD. I was also Fearless Formula Feeder's guest poster ! Ham took his first steps. Ham weaned himself from the bottle.
First time in a wagon (this was my wagon too!)
August: After months of crippling back pain, I was diagnosed with Anklosing Spondylitis. On a happier note, it was Ham's first birthday! We had a huge party and Ham got more than any baby could ever want!
Cake smash!!!
September: This was a pretty calm month for us. Hubby and I started classes and Ham started walking!
Ham and the Hubs were we were married in 2009!
October: Hubs and I turned 25. Ham got a lot steadier on his feet.Sadly, I have no pictures from October as our camera broke and had to be sent in for repair.
November: Ham loved Thanksgiving and really started acting like a toddler. Ham now says "no" when he doesn't want something.
November: Ham loved Thanksgiving and really started acting like a toddler. Ham now says "no" when he doesn't want something.
Ham in the toy box
December: Ham learned how to climb, walk up stairs with help, and started sleeping in his toddler bed. He had his first real Christmas and even opened his own presents! He also started throwing some major tantrums.
The best Christmas present of all!
Looking back, it is crazy how much Ham has grown. He has turned into a little man right before my eyes. I feel like he has blossomed into such a personality. He can now express his wishes in gestures and grunts, decide what he wants to do and where he wants to go, play with "big boy" toys, show you what he wants, run and jump, and so much more. It is difficult to wrap my head around the fact that just a year ago he wasn't even able to sit up.
This has definitely been a difficult year as well. I dealt with PPD, PPA, anxiety attacks, and Anklosing Spondylitis. It was an emotional roller coaster from the beginning, but I learned so many things about myself. This year I really came into my own and found my way as a mama. I've made peace with my faults and began working on my issues.
I am actually really excited about 2012. I cannot wait to see what Ham will do and become.
Happy New Year and love to your Littles,
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