Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Logistically Challenged

We are well on our way to a diagnosis yet I don't feel any better than I did before this whole thing started. It's less new, more complicated. We are getting Ham's test results from the psychologist on Tuesday (2/4). I can't say that I am worried or nervous as I feel like I already know the results because I am with Ham every day. I see him struggle with the things I take for granted. I see him failing to connect with the world around him. In a way I am at peace with this.

What I a currently a hot mess over is transportation and logistics. You see, I work five to six days a week from 8am to at least 5pm. The Hubs works five days a week from 7:30am to 4:30pm. It seems that the school system, therapists, ABA clinics, and pretty much everyone does not think that parents work. Our local school system offers preschool for kids with autism and developmental disabilities as well as speech delays starting at age three. This school starts at 8:30am and ends at 11:30am. If you notice, our schedules already conflict. Then there is therapy, we are looking into applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy as well as occupational therapy (OT) and possibly speech therapy (ST). These seem to be offered randomly throughout the week with little regard to working parents. We are now left with the burden of transporting our child from point A to point B while we are also supposed to be at our respective places of employment.

We are fortunate to have a supportive extended family who live very close. My mom helps out a lot, she takes Ham one day a week, and has agreed to help. The MIL is also very helpful but less available. She can take one day a week as she works. My mom does not work but has medical issues and also cares for her disabled mother. The Hubs and I have to be at work to pay the bills. So, we're left to wonder how on earth this is going to work out.

To make matters worse, or at least more complicated, Ham's current (very tolerant) daycare will not take him less than 21 hours per week and does not do half days. The preschool as well as various therapies will prevent us from meeting those requirements (we're barely meeting them now) and we will be without a daycare. Ham is not potty trained (not even close) and over the magical age of three when all children are apparently potty trained (according to daycare centers), so we are left with little to no options. I am beyond stressed about this. I wish I knew where to start. I could use some prayers, even a miracle if anyone has one to spare. 

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