Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Going it Alone

My hubs is away on business for the week, so I am going it alone with a crabby toddler cutting molars. I am armed with a medicine cabinet of children's Motrin, baby Tylenol, Highlands Teething Tablets, baby Oragel, and lots of Advil for myself. I am utterly exhausted from being up all night with him. It's been too long since I've done this, especially by myself.

For some crazy reason, I marathon cleaned the house last night. I hate being alone at night, so I cleaned. The house hasn't been this clean in months! I am trying my darndest to keep it that way. Too bad I stayed up until 1am cleaning and then had to get back up at 2am with Ham. I'm completely exhausted and I have to work today.

I have to give major props to all the single parents out there. I cannot imagine how they do it! I barely have enough time to be a mom let alone be a dad as well.

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